There're lots of web hosting suppliers on the market, however the majority of them are resellers that have minimal resources, especially in terms of support. A good way to distinguish them is the option to reach the company over the telephone. The type of support that you'll get via this particular method of communication will vary based on the service provider - some provide you with experienced phone support, others offer common and customer support only since some issues are more time-consuming and it's easier to be resolved via a support ticket, particularly when the issue needs to be escalated. However, it's good to find that you could always get in touch with your website hosting supplier as there're various small-scale matters that can be managed effectively and in a very timely manner with a phone call, not mentioning that you can get more info regarding the services before you become a client.

Phone Support in Web Hosting

As we have live phone support 14 hrs daily, you are able to contact us and consult with our customer support agents to get more info about the web hosting plans that we provide and make sure that our servers match the system requirements for your websites prior to you buying anything. For your convenience, we now have telephone numbers on three continents so that you are able to call the one nearer to you - in the U.S.A., the UK or Australia. In case you're already a customer, you'll be able to phone us about general and billing issues, or even about some technical ones. In case the situation is strictly technical or it needs longer time to analyze, you should employ our ticketing system, that will enable both you and our technical support crew to monitor the details given by both sides.

Phone Support in Semi-dedicated Servers

We offer live phone support 14 hours daily as a part of the support services for every single semi-dedicated server package that we supply. Since some issues are more difficult and time-consuming, you may need to open a support ticket in case you come across such an issue, still for all your billing, general or small-scale tech issues you can always phone us and we will assist you right away so as to save you the time you will need to spend on creating a support ticket. Even if you do not have an account yet, you'll be able to find out whether you can host your sites on our leading-edge cloud platform or you can get any other general information about our semi-dedicated services. We now have local phone numbers in the USA, Great Britain and Australia along with a global number, therefore you're able to call the one which is nearer to where you are.