There are a lot of ways to redirect website visitors from one domain/website to another. The so-called URL redirection is commonly preferred. In contrast to parking a domain name, a URL redirection can be done only if the domain name in question is hosted. What this means in simple terms is that you may still open any content in case you have a direct link to it and you could set up email addresses or subdomains and use them. This type of feature has numerous practical uses - if you want to switch your domain, you may forward the traffic, but the e-mails with the old one will still be active whenever you are communicating with customers or partners. When you have 2 similar websites and you need to rebuild one of them, you may forward the site visitors to the other Internet site so as to prevent losing potential clients, while you'll still be able to access the administrator area for the first website and develop it.

URL Redirector in Web Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, supplied with our web hosting plans, includes a URL forwarding tool that will allow you to forward any domain address or subdomain hosted within your account to any URL - in your account or a third-party one. Setting up a new redirection is very simple - you have to choose a domain/subdomain and then enter the URL it needs to be redirected to. You can also redirect a particular subfolder only. For instance, when you have and, you may forward just the latter. The tool has complex features for more tech-savvy users as well, like the feature to choose the redirection type - 301 (permanent redirection) or 302 (temporary redirection), the redirection method - direct or match, etc. If you no longer require a redirection, you could deactivate it with a mouse click from the exact same section of the CP.

URL Redirector in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you buy any of our semi-dedicated plans, you'll get access to an efficient tool, that you can use to redirect any domain hosted within the account with a couple of mouse clicks. The tool is an element of the innovative Hepsia Control Panel and may be used by both proficient users and beginners. If you have no previous experience, you could redirect a domain or a subdomain by selecting it and then by typing in or pasting the remote URL. In case you are experienced, you may also decide if the type of the redirection has to be permanent or temporary and if the method must be direct or match. Any of these options can be modified anytime along with the URL, so you won't have to create a new redirection if you wish to change something. However, when you no longer want a certain domain or subdomain to be redirected, you could delete the redirection without any difficulty.